نادى الشحن | Freight Club

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-   Air Export Customs Clearance (http://www.freightclub.net/vb/forumdisplay.php?f=11)
-   -   Packaging in wood, please read the wood packing requirements on ISPM 15 mentioned below WWCF (http://www.freightclub.net/vb/showthread.php?t=983)

GNA88 11-12-2015 05:30 AM

Packaging in wood, please read the wood packing requirements on ISPM 15 mentioned below WWCF

When packaging a product for export you need to keep in mind the major factors: breakage, weight, moisture and pilferage. Also, how a product is packaged depends upon the destination and the method of transportation. Your package must be designed to handle the following stress factors: repeated loading and unloading, being unloaded in the rain and stored in the open, stacked, pushed, shoved, dragged, dropped, processed on a conveyer belt even sent down a chute. Packaging for air shipments requires lighter packaging than ocean shipments.To avoid theft in transit it is best to use plain boxes without logos or **** brands.

Also, because transportation costs are determined by volume and weight, special reinforced and lightweight packing materials have been devised for exporting. Packing goods to minimize weight and volume may save money as well as ensuring that goods are properly packed. Be sure to pack goods in strong containers with the weight evenly distributed within the container. If possible pack goods on pallets for easy handling. A filler made of moisture-resistant material is imperative.

الساعة الآن 11:11 PM.

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