نادى الشحن | Freight Club

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-   -   FREIGHT Bill of Lading Clauses iss-shipping (http://www.freightclub.net/vb/showthread.php?t=852)

GNA88 09-12-2015 09:06 AM

FREIGHT Bill of Lading Clauses iss-shipping

(1) Freight shall be deemed fully earned on receipt of the Goods by the Carrier and shall be paid and non-returnable in any event

(2) The Merchant's attention is drawn to the stipulations concerning currency in which the Freight is to be paid, rate of exchange, devaluation and other contingencies relative to Freight in the applicable Tariff.

(3) Freight has been calculated on the basis of particulars furnished by or on behalf of the Shipper. If the particulars furnished by or on behalf of the Shipper are incorrect, it is agreed that a sum equal to double the correct Freight less the Freight charged shall be payable as liquidated damages to the Carrier.

(4) All Freight shall be paid without any set-off, counter-claim, deduction or stay of execution before delivery of the Goods.

الساعة الآن 10:45 PM.

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