نادى الشحن | Freight Club

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GNA88 08-12-2015 04:27 PM

Transborder Logistics priorityworldwide

PWS maintains a fast paced network necessary to keep business running across the borders of our neighbors.

The US is an ideal transshipment point for inbound cargo ultimately destined to Canada or Mexico. Utilizing PWS' bonded warehouses, carriers and customs brokerage capabilities you can seamlessly move cargo duty free to Canada & Mexico at the time of original entry into the US even when the loads are mixed.

Our robust *** technology allows us to keep a close eye on your freight until it reaches its final destination, whether at our receiving station or on your customer's dock.


Bonded Carriage
Door to Door
NAFTA services
Duty Drawback
Border Brokerage Services


CTPAT Certified
Customs Bonded Carrier
PARS/PAPS Certified
FAST partificipant
(PWS Certifications)

Admin 08-04-2016 01:23 PM

Good information

الساعة الآن 03:15 AM.

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