نادى الشحن | Freight Club

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-   -   Tnt dangerous goods take advan***e of our expertise (http://www.freightclub.net/vb/showthread.php?t=776)

GNA88 07-12-2015 07:42 PM

Tnt dangerous goods take advan***e of our expertise

We move dangerous goods around the world every day - with the utmost safety and regulatory compliance.
Whether by road, sea or air, TNT is licensed to handle hazardous materials with the highest level of expertise and the strictest procedures to ensure safety and compliance at all times.

Any articles or substances capable of posing a significant risk to health, safety, property or the environment are classified as ‘dangerous goods’. As a shipper of such materials, you need to be fully compliant with applicable rules and regulations. So you need a reputable transportation partner you can count on.

Trust us to handle:

Fully regulated dangerous goods
Dangerous goods in limited quantities
Dangerous goods in excepted quantities
Radioactive material in excepted packages
Section II lithium batteries
Dry ice
Category B biological substances
Genetically modified (micro)organisms
Specific dangerous goods may include:

Gas cylinders
Magnetic material
Spillable (wet) batteries
Lithium batteries
Equipment including lithium batteries
Devices including lithium batteries
Power supplies/power packs
Camping equipment
Electrical equipment
Fuel tanks & fuel systems
Containers holding liquids
Containers holding chemicals
Engines/spare parts

Dangerous goods, including hazardous chemicals, must be prepared and packaged in accordance with all regulatory requirements. It is your responsibility as shipper to declare these items and ensure they are properly packed, marked, labelled and accompanied by the correct ********ation. Additional restrictions apply in some countries. Certain types of shipments may only be accepted from dangerous-goods-approved customers to ensure compliance with all relevant regulations and restrictions.

For guidance on shipping dangerous goods and hazardous chemicals, please contact us to speak with one of our specialists.

الساعة الآن 10:30 PM.

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