نادى الشحن | Freight Club

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GNA88 07-12-2015 07:38 PM

Tnt freight services by air, road and sea

Our cargo services are cost-effective and ideal for large, heavy or awkward shipments. Our range of international freight forwarding options means we can always handle whatever you need to send — no matter the size, weight or shape. We offer extensive import and export expertise in over 200 countries. Our groupage service is a convenient and reliable way to further keep your delivery costs down.
A cost effective solution for heavier, non-urgent shipments globally. Chose the speed and price that fits your budget. And we'll keep you fully informed at every s***e of the process.

Door-to-door option manages delivery throughout
All import and export clearances handled for you
Door-to-airport option also available
Ideal for shipments over 100kg or irregular shapes
For cost-effective transport of large shipments by road. Whether you choose a dedicated vehicle for point-to-point transport or groupage, you have the option of collection from multiple ********s for consolidation and onward delivery.

Cost-effective transport for larger shipments
Choose between groupage or your own dedicated vehicle
Available throughout Europe, Middle East and Asia
Direct, safe and secure delivery
A lower-cost option for delivery of large shipments over very long distances, in full or part-container loads.

Economical transport in containerised ships
All import and export clearances handled
Choice of door-to-door, door-to-port or port-to-port
Cost-effective for intercontinental deliveries

الساعة الآن 10:56 PM.

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