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The seven pillars of Vision 2025
Pillar-I: Putting People First: Developing Human and Social Capital One major weakness of our development journey is neglect of human resource development. Vision 2025 seeks to bring human resource development to the top of national agenda. This requires capitalizing upon existing social capital, strengthening it and improving the human skill base of the population to optimally contribute to and effectively benefit from economic growth. Pakistan has to make significant leap forward in areas like education, health and social development to catch up with its peers. Vision 2025 presents a comprehensive approach to addressing human and social development gaps with an emphasis on developing human and social capital to take full advantage of Pakistan’s youth bulge. In addition, the Vision recognizes the rising power of a socially aware population and seeks to move towards a knowledge-based society with harmony, ethics and values. It aims at substantial expansion in levels of education as well as improvements in the quality of education. A larger share of the GDP, at least 4% to education and at least 3% to health, would have to be allotted. Key goals under this pillar are; Universal primary education with 100% net primary enrolment. Increase Higher Education coverage from 7% to 12 % Increase proportion of population with access to improved sanitation from 48% to 90% Pillar- II: Achieving Sustained, Indigenous and Inclusive Growth The objective of Vision 2025 is to provide better living standards to every Pakistani irrespective of caste, creed, area, religious or political affiliation by mobilizing indigenous resources. Every effort will be made to make every Pakistani better off by 2025. Pakistan has many horizontal and vertical, intra- and inter-provincial, as well as rural and urban inequalities. The Vision envisages a strategy for developing a united and equitable society through a balanced development approach, social uplift and rapid broad based growth. This will ensure provision of opportunities and fruits of economic development to all segments of society. The thrust of the macroeconomic framework will be to support inclusive growth based upon harnessing full potential of economic factors, and self-reliant sustainable fiscal and mobilizing domestic resources, tax reforms, promoting investments, leap frogging in export sector with current account deficits. Key goals under this pillar are; Modern performance driven public sector. Adoption of technology for efficient and effective delivery of services to citizens. Become one of the 25 largest economies in the World, leading to Upper Middle Income country status Increase annual exports from US$ 25 billion to US$ 150 billon Pillar-III: Governance, Institutional Reform & Modernization of the Public Sector Governance and quality of institutions is the defining element of progress. A responsive, inclusive, transparent and accountable system of governance is envisaged through adoption of a holistic approach – from policy to strategy to implementation and delivery, encompassing all administrative levels – federal, provincial, regional, district and local – in a rules based, results oriented perspective. The Vision seeks an efficient and transparent government which operates under the rule of law and provides security of life and property to its people. The goal is to enable consistent excellence in the management of political, economic, and administrative infrastructure by strengthening and streamlining institutions. The Vision strives to develop a skilled, motivated and “results focused” civil service, an effective regulatory framework and an infrastructure that leverages supporting technology and global best practices. Further, it is designed to take advantage of the immense strength inherent in the 18th Amendment to the Constitution and the consequential focus on tailoring and deploying reforms specifically suited to each federating unit and the local bodies. Key goals are; Place in the top 50th percentile for Political Stability (bottom 1 percentile), No Violence/Terrorism (bottom 1 percentile), and Control of Corruption (bottom 13th percentile) as measured by the World Bank’s Worldwide Governance Indicators Pillar-IV: Energy, Water & Food Security Energy: double power generation to 45,000 MW and provide uninterrupted, affordable and clean ‘energy for all’ – electricity access from 67% to 100%. Water: increase storage capacity and improve efficiency of usage in agriculture by 20%. Food: Reduce food insecure population from 60% to 30%. Pillar-V: Private Sector-Led Growth and Entrepreneurship Vision 2025 aims to make Pakistan a highly attractive destination for private sector investment, with conditions that allow private investors to successfully participate in its development. In the past, the private sector has been constrained from playing an active role in the country’s development due to a variety of factors such as the energy deficit, lack of security and an enabling environment. Moreover, low skilled labour, slow and costly judicial procedures (contract enforcement), factor market (land, labour and capital) rigidities, intrusive regulations and inadequacies in the system of land purchase and registration have reduced private sector effectiveness. Vision 2025 seeks to achieve sustained engagement of the private sector where the resources and skills available across all sectors are fully deployed to achieve defined targets. Key goals are; Rank in the top 50 countries on the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Rankings Increase Diaspora investment (via remittances) in private sector to $40 billion. Pillar-VI: Developing a Competitive Knowledge Economy through Value Addition National competitiveness refers to the ability to produce and deliver products and services effectively and profitably relative to competing countries. Improving the national competitiveness is therefore critical to the nation’s ability to utilize resources in a productive manner – based on merit, quality and innovation instead of unproductive rent seeking behaviours and performance.Vision 2025 envisages fundamental improvements in competitiveness across the industrial/manufacturing, services and agricultural sectors. Competitiveness is about achieving efficiency and productivity to enable self-sustaining enterprises, thereby boosting their share in the international market. Key goals under this pillar are; Quadruple contribution of Total Factor Productivity to growth. Improve Pakistan’s score on the World Bank Institute’s Knowledge Economy Index from 2.2 to 4.0 Pillar-VII: Modernization of Transportation Infrastructure & Greater Regional Connectivity Vision 2025 would establish an efficient and integrated transportation system that facilitates the development of a competitive economy. Key related targets are to ensure reduction in transportation costs, safety in mobility, effective connectivity between rural areas and markets /urban centres, inter-provincial high-speed connectivity, integrated road/rail networks between economic hubs (including air, sea and dry ports) and also high-capacity transportation corridors connecting major regional partners. A strategic programme of regional connectivity is envisaged to connect Pakistan through enhanced physical infrastructure development (physical connectivity), effective institutional arrangements (institutional connectivity) and empowered people (people-to-people connectivity). Building enhanced regional connectivity requires not only the development of new strategies and institutions, but also investment in more effective implementation of existing and future initiatives. The China-Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC) offers a unique opportunity to Pakistan to integrate with regional developments and become a hub for trade and manufacturing with Gwadar port developed as an international free port. Key goal under this pillar is; Make Pakistan hub of regional trade and commerce Increase road density from 32 Km / 100 Km2 to 64 km/ 100 Km2, and share of rail from 4% to 20% of freight handling in the country. In order to realize Vision 2025 effectively, well defined coordination mechanism among federating units including four provinces, and special areas such as FATA, Gilgat-Batistan (GB) and Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK) is needed. The federation will be strengthened by promoting inter-provincial and federal-provincial communication and co-ordination so that national and provincial priorities are aligned, and the federal and provincial governments work together to reach common goals. Accordingly an implementation plan of this Vision – to be delivered over a rigorously defined road-map and time-line alongwith performance indicators will be prepared in consultations with these stakeholders. Four key aspects that will enable the successful execution of this strategic undertaking include; sustained executive commitment & support, resources, macroeconomic stability, private sector engagement, and radical improvement in productivity. |
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