أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم، إذا كانت هذه زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى، فيرجى التكرم بزيارة صفحة التعليمات، بالضغط هنا.
كما يشرفنا أن تقوم بالتسجيل بالضغط هنا إذا رغبت بالمشاركة في المنتدى، أما إذا رغبت بقراءة المواضيع والإطلاع فتفضل بزيارة القسم الذي ترغب أدناه
Tons of cargo gets imported on a daily basis. When time, safety or security are an issue, air services become the primary option for importers. Several components are key to
Tons of cargo gets imported on a daily basis. When time, safety or security are an issue, air services become the primary option for importers. Several components are key to managing a successful Import supply chain including: security, adherence to government regulations, experience to solve issues and the ability to secure space when you need your goods.
Our experience, worldwide network and meticulous supply chain ensure efficient movement of your goods.
Airport to Airport
Airport to Door
Door to Airport
Door to Door Services
Charter Services
Next Flight Departure
Direct & Consolidated Services
Origin consolidation services
Value Added
VMI (Vendor Managed Inventories)
Cargo tracking, EDI integration, web based management systems