نادى الشحن | Freight Club

نادى الشحن | Freight Club (http://www.freightclub.net/vb/index.php)
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-   -   Warehouse Administrator at Döhler Egypt (http://www.freightclub.net/vb/showthread.php?t=34)

Admin 13-10-2015 02:00 PM

Warehouse Administrator at Döhler Egypt
We are hiring Warehouse Administrator at Döhler Egypt
Job Description

-Optimize the logistics processes and coordinate logistical activities with the aim to achieve a best possible internal goods transport and picking together with the executive manager and the floor management.
-Carry out entries of goods movement and material master adjustments.
-Create system defaults in the internal EDP systems to optimally handle the warehouse day-to-day business. .
-Document all logistics processes and system defaults in the internal EDP systems (inventory monitoring, inventories, entry alterations, etc.)
-Create transport orders and ensure the processing in agreement with Distribution Logistics.
-Bachelor degree in accounting or Business Administration or any relevant discipline.
-Very good command of English Language
-Flexibility to work in shifts.
-Experience 3 - 5 Years.
-Residents of 6th of October or Giza only
Send your updated resume to israa.mahmoud@doehler.com specifying the job title in the subject line

الساعة الآن 10:18 PM.

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