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Admin 01-06-2016 03:39 PM

CEVA looks to ease complex Brazilian Customs processes

CEVA Logistics has updated its Customs clearance operation in Brazil as it attempts to streamline country’s complex and changing processes.

The forwarder said the complex nature of Brazilian Customs processes can lead to delays for those companies not working with a partner who is fully conversant in all aspects of their operation.

“The main reason why goods get stuck at Brazilian Customs is the lack of proper documentation that needs to be presented whenever goods need to be cleared,” CEVA said.

“Goods which do become stuck at Brazilian Customs then have a maximum deadline to be cleared, otherwise they can be either seized by the Federal Revenue and then auctioned or destroyed.”

To help mitigate the issues, it has introduced experts with Customs process knowledge to its teams in São Paulo and Campinas to allow it to focus on the technical and operational phases of the Customs clearance process.

The new model keeps the customer service, technical support and implementation of innovative procedures for Customs processes wholly within the branch offices.

At Viracopos Airport CEVA has already received a positive ranking from the airport authority for its Customs performance.

During 2015 CEVA increased the efficiency of its Customs procedures at the airport by approximately 67%.

الساعة الآن 10:37 PM.

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