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GNA88 31-10-2015 04:57 PM

consumers can expect from the discounter this holiday season

The world’s largest retailer on Thursday offered its first peek at what consumers can expect from the discounter this holiday season. Plans include amplifying its in-store presentation, by playing carols and beefing up its decorations, as well as bringing photos with Santa Claus to many of its locations.

Wal-Mart also said that it will maintain its $50 minimum spending threshold for free delivery of online orders, which encourages shoppers who want to avoid shipping fees for less expensive purchases to pick up their items in the stores.

To help streamline the in-store pickup process, the discounter on Thursday is rolling out a new feature on its mobile app that allows customers to check in via smartphone when they arrive to collect their online orders.

The technology, which has been tested at its Sam’s Club stores, is expected to speed up the pick-up process for time-crunched shoppers. And on Nov. 1, Wal-Mart will add a new capability to its digital wish lists, which enables shoppers to add items by scanning them in-store and makes them searchable for friends and family.

Last year, shoppers created 1.5 million wish lists on Walmart.com.

الساعة الآن 03:40 AM.

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