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GNA88 31-10-2015 04:56 PM

For Wal-Mart, one thing is clear this holiday season: Getting shoppers into its store

To help streamline the in-store pickup process, Wal-Mart on Thursday is rolling out a new feature on its mobile app that allows customers to check in via smartphone when they arrive to collect their online orders.

The technology, which has been tested at its Sam's Club stores, is expected to speed up the pick-up process for time-crunched shoppers. And on Nov. 1, Wal-Mart will add a new capability to its digital wish lists, which enables shoppers to add items by scanning them in-store and makes them searchable for friends and family.

Last year, shoppers created 1.5 million wish lists on Walmart.com.
In addition to these initiatives, Wal-Mart reiterated its promise to once again be the leader on price this season. That means offering thousands of discounts across categories starting Nov. 1. These deals will extend throughout the holiday season, and the retail giant will continue to match competitors' prices.

"We want to have the best prices all season long," said Steve Bratspies, chief merchandise officer at Walmart U.S. "If we need to react, we will react."

الساعة الآن 10:03 PM.

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