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Admin 31-10-2015 12:01 PM

How to Handle Angry Customers
How to Handle Angry Customers

After several years working for services organizations I’m able to affirm that customer service is a job where there's a massive difference between how difficult the job is and how difficult people who have never done the job before think it is.

That's probably one of the reasons why far too many people think it's okay to take their frustrations out on a support rep, whether they're related to the interaction at hand or not.

It's also one of the reasons that many people who get into customer service positions end up struggling with all of the unexpected challenges. The following statement is definitely true:

If you're in customer service, sooner or later you will come across angry customers.

Through these lines, I'm going to show you the most challenging scenarios faced by customer support agents, and tested techniques for handling each one.
  • There's an Outage or Other Crisis
  • Your Customer is Angry
  • A Customer Asks a Question You Can't Answer
  • You're Overwhelmed by a Backlog of Tickets

A. There's an Outage or Other Crisis

Nothing is scarier than going through an epic business fail that causes you to risk losing the trust of your customers.

Server outages and security breaches can—and do—happen to anyone.

I always recommend that businesses have a crisis communication plan in place that outlines what the entire team should do in the event of an emergency, but when it comes to customer support, there are two key things to understand:

A.1. You're sorry. You're very, very sorry.

Even when you don't know what's happening yet, apologize to the customer for what they're going through.

A.2. Over communicate.

Normally, we limit the number of emails we send to our customers; after all, we don't want to annoy them.

But when things go awry, your customers want to know that you're on top of things, and that there's nothing in the world more important to you than fixing whatever is broken.

Hint: Constant updates via email, blog posts and social media—at least every 30 minutes until the issue is resolved—help to assure your customers that you're working on the problem.

Afterwards, publish a post-mortem that outlines the problem, the steps you're taking to prevent it in the future, and another sincere apology.

B. Your Customer is Angry

Some are upset because they're confused. Some are upset because of a mistake that you or your company might have made (whether it's truly a mistake, or just a mistake in their eyes). And some are simply having a bad day.

Getting defensive—or worse, trying to match the customer's emotion—will only escalate the situation.

But fortunately, there are some techniques designed to de-escalate interactions with angry customers and turn things around.

One of them is called the H.E.A.R.D. technique, and the easy-to-remember acronym stands for:


When you're faced with an angry customer, simply follow this checklist. Try and hear (or read) what the customer is truly upset about, without interrupting them. Express empathy and show them that you understand their frustration. Offer a heartfelt apology, even if you did nothing wrong. Do whatever it takes to resolve the issue, without being afraid to ask the customer what they feel the best resolution would be.

And when it's over, work to figure out why the problem occurred in the first place, so you can ensure that it never gets repeated.

C. A Customer Asks a Question You Can't Answer

I want to share my own experience. I was recently booked on a flight that had a schedule change, and I wasn't going to be able to make it to the airport in time for the new flight.

When I called the airline, a recording told me that the hold time was more than an hour, so I asked their Twitter team, via DM, for some help.

Good customer service isn't always about knowing the right answer. Often, it's about finding the right answer so that your customer doesn't have to.

Instead of shutting your customer out, let them know that you'll find the answer for them, and promise to follow up (so that they don't have to worry about it).

D. You're Overwhelmed by a Backlog of Tickets

This is a common occurrence (especially on Monday mornings) for support teams who don't have someone on duty 24/7.

Your support inbox is full, and there's no way you're going to be able to resolve all of these tickets fast. Many customers have been waiting for a response for a day or more.

While speed isn't the most important thing in customer service, it does matter.

In one of the tens of surveys I read on daily basis, 41% of customers reported that they expect a response to a customer support email within six hours, and almost all customers expected a response within 24 hours.

Note that a response doesn't necessarily mean a resolution; the survey notes that many customers simply wanted to know that the business heard them and was working to resolve the issue.

So when you're backlogged with support emails, focus on buying yourself more time by responding rather than resolving.

That doesn't mean you should set up an autoreply that tells customers that you're backed up, though.

Instead, write a personal email that tells the customer that you (not "we") will be taking care of them, and give them a hard deadline by which you'll help them.

This way, your customers get timely responses, and you buy yourself more time to resolve their issues.

Customer Service Challenges Won't Go Away

As long as you're working with customers every day, you'll continue to face the myriad of challenges that support brings.

But by being prepared with the tools and techniques to turn those challenges into opportunities to build better relationships with your customers, you can make your life—and theirs—a lot easier keeping the TCE in high levels.

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